DAY OF LOVE Healing Books

The Day of Love Healing Book Series provides resources that reconnect us with 'Heart Centred' human qualities;
Love & Compassion, Courage, Vulnerability, Humility...


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PowerOnOne, Coming Home, Redemption, Ascension
reconnects us to our relationship with the Divine

A book for our times; this offering invites us into the space of non-separation, of OneHeart, a place where we can just be with ourselves and Divine presence.
Join us now as we step on the pathway to becoming New UNiversal Humans.

There Comes a Time, in Every Life, When We are Drowning
is principally about Finding Courage

Inspired by two major life events; the first, at the age of thirteen, a choice was provided to risk one’s own life or watch a friend drown
and the second, when one of our sons required a major intervention to save his life.

When Cut We All Bleed Red
offers a pathway to Healing and Living a more 'Meaningful' Human Life

Suffering from a number of major illnesses, a major insight emerged; the pathway to healing one’s physical body might be through healing the emotional body,
the spiritual body and then integrating them to achieve a new level of happiness.